Course Description

This course guides you in applying connections of concepts and techniques, for both Group Movement Lessons (ATM™) and Individual Integration Lessons (FI™).

Addressing both physiological and psychological messages and how they are linked, you will gain insight into the work and tools for making the most of your work in effective and meaningful lessons.

These lessons are excerpts from a Master Practitioner Training seminar and presented in short 1-5 minute sections, each providing a concept and demonstration, allowing you to work at your own pace, toward making the most of each lesson.

We recommend printing the Study Guide at the beginning of the course. This will allow you to follow along with the different lessons and take your own notes. 

Each lesson has a question at the end, to help and encourage you to take these concept further and apply them to life and work, individually and in study-groups. Many of the questions include partner-work instructions, enabling interesting and easy ways to integrate the concepts.

If you have any questions as you go through the course, feel free to contact MBS Trainers at [email protected] and include in the subject line: MBS Trainer Question.

We hope you enjoy this Online Course and find your practice benefits from learning or revisiting these lessons.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Study Guide

    • Printable Study Guide
  • 2

    ATM Lessons

    • 1. ATM Rolling Pelvis on Front, Head on Hands
    • 2. ATM Rolling Pelvis on Front, on Elbows
  • 3

    Part A: Physiological and Psychological Messages

    • 1. Introduction - The Messages We Convey
    • 2. In-Betweens
    • 3. Choosing Clear and Precise Instructions to Convey the Message
    • 4. Overview – How Physiological and Psychological Messages Empower the Individual
    • Handout: MBS Key Principles
  • 4

    Part B: Application of Clear Communication

    • 1. Start with the Easy Way
    • 2. Knowing the Physiological Messages of different ATMs
    • 3. Practical Example: Conveying In-Betweens in hands-on
    • 4. Practical Example: Observation, Touch, Attention, and Curiosity
    • 5. You Are Your Own Best Teacher
    • 6. The Importance of Self-use
    • 7. Be Here Now
    • 8. Being Present in the Moment
    • 9. ATM and FI are Communication
  • 5

    Part C: Progression of a Pattern

    • 1. Awareness is where there is Movement
    • 2. Start easy - Where there is Awareness
    • 3. Expanding Awareness and Self-Image
  • 6

    Part D: Developing a Lesson

    • 1. Choosing InBetweens FREE PREVIEW
    • 2. Asking InBetweens Non-Verbally
    • 3. Going in Their Direction
    • 4. Exploring Reversibility
    • 5. Demonstration of the Coming Back
    • 6. Expanding the range of Non-Verbal Questions, Bring More Awareness
  • 7

    Part E: Applying Key Principles

    • 1. Using Key Principles to plan lesson
    • 2. Teaching Principle “Quality of Movement”
    • Handout: Key Principle Quality of Movement
    • 3. Teaching Quality of Movement in Hands-on Work
    • 4. Teaching Principles "Less is More" and "Distribution of Work"
    • Handout: Key Principle Distribution of Work
    • Handout: Key Principle Less is More
    • 5. Bonus Tip: Defining and Using Auxiliary Movements


Leora Gaster

Master Trainer

Leora Gaster

Leora Gaster, has been teaching Mind Body Studies internationally for over 40 years. With a life-long of comprehensive, diverse experiences and rigorous studies, including personal guidance of Dr. Feldenkrais and Mia Segal from infancy, studies in Human Biology at Stanford University, martial Arts in Japan, NLP from it’s founders and many more, she crystalized, simplified and distilled this skill set for you.
 Mia Segal

Master Trainer

Mia Segal

Mia Segal was Dr. Feldenkrais’ first assistant, collaborator and associate for sixteen years, after which together, they trained students worldwide. Of Mia, Feldenkrais said: “With you, I have reached summits that alone, I could not reach. The best lessons I ever gave, were inspired by your encouraging gaze”. Mia is known for her unequalled mastery of the work and as a superb teacher. The unique design of her programs is testimony to her vast experience and leadership in teaching this method. She is committed to ensure that this work continues in the essential and powerful form it was given to her by Dr. Feldenkrais during their many years of collaboration and friendship. Mia has been acclaimed worldwide as the standard bearer for the applications and philosophy of Dr. Feldenkrais’ Mind Body Studies. Mia has a black belt in Judo, which she received in the Kodokan, Tokyo, in 1970. Click here to learn more about Mia Segal.