With 50 years of teaching all over the world, in multiple cultures, testing and distilling philosophies of life and action, we bring you these simple unifying principles that make sense in all situations and make life easier.

We have applied these principles in thought and action, in movement and in discussion.

These principles are so obvious, so universal, completely irrefutable, perhaps this is why nowhere have they been laid out clearly for everyone to use.

Here at last is a concise, thoroughly tried and tested collection, which you can use in any situation to make a little more sense out of life and point the way to ease and comfort.


Leora Gaster

Master Trainer

Leora Gaster

Leora Gaster, has been teaching Mind Body Studies internationally for over 40 years. With a life-long of comprehensive, diverse experiences and rigorous studies, including personal guidance of Dr. Feldenkrais and Mia Segal from infancy, studies in Human Biology at Stanford University, martial Arts in Japan, NLP from it’s founders and many more, she crystalized, simplified and distilled this skill set for you.


Ellen, Psychiatrist

Perfect for Clients!

Ellen, Psychiatrist

Wow! I loved reading this book. It clearly explains exactly what I continuously work on communicating to clients in my office.



"Apply these ten irrefutable principles and your mind and body will be changed forever."
Tom, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Understanding the bigger picture

Tom, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

For years and years, I have heard how the Feldenkrais Method is “more than just movement”. When I asked my Trainers “how”, the answers were vague or esoteric. I was more confused than enlightened. It wasn’t until a MBS training with Leora Gaster, that I started understanding the bigger picture behind the method. Leora, simply and precisely, explained and demonstrated how principles (such as differences, awareness or system of questions) are embedded in Feldenkrais lessons. I was absolutely thrilled when MBS Academy published “10 Irrefutable Mind Body Principles for Living”. Leora’s writing is just as straightforward and understandable as her teaching. I now have a handy reference to inspire and inform my teaching. This book has been so valuable to me that I have given it as gifts to numerous colleagues and students. It is amazing how it helps taking learning out of the classroom and into everyday life.

Companion book

A Collection of MBS™ Lessons